Delivery Stock Restriction compare to Order/Demand Quantity

Stock Block Quantity Odoo App is helpful for managing inventory operations. It allows users to control and monitor the transfer orders, receipts, deliveries, and manufacturing orders in cases where the completed quantities exceed the requested quantities. Through a simple checkbox option, users can choose to either allow or block these orders when quantities are exceeded. If the "exceeded quantity" checkbox is enabled, the system will permit the validation of these orders even if the completed quantity extends the requested amount. However, if the checkbox is not selected, the app will automatically block these operations and generate a validation error, ensuring inventory accuracy and preventing potential discrepancies.


1) Enable/Disable Stock Picking/receipt/delivery/manufacturing on Exceeded Quantity

If enable checkbox, it will allow to validating picking/receipt/delivery/manufacturing where done qty is greater than demanded qty otherwise raised validation error.

2) Raised Validation Error Message

If entered done qty which is greater than demanded qty, Block picking/receipt/delivery/manufacturing and raised validation error.

Operation Types/Receipt/Delivery Workflow

Here you can see Operations Types workflow for stock block quanity, It will applied same for Receipt and Delivery Order also.

Disable 'Allow stock picking on Exceeded Quantity' Checkbox on Operation Type

Goto Inventory -> Configuration -> Operations Types in that if user disable 'Allow stock picking on Exceeded Quantity' checkbox then it will not allow to validating picking where done qty is greater than demanded qty.

Create Transfer Order

User can create transfer order then set up operation type and hit the 'Mark as Todo' button.

Validate Transfer Order

User can set demanded qty and done qty then hit the 'VALIDATE' button.

Raised Validation Error

If user enter done qty which is greater than demanded qty, blocked transfer order and raised validation error.

Enable 'Allow stock picking on Exceeded Quantity' Checkbox on Operation Type

If user enable 'Allow stock picking on Exceeded Quantity' checkbox then it will allow to validating picking where done qty is greater than demanded qty.

Validate Transfer Order

User can set demanded qty and done qty then hit the 'VALIDATE' button.

Validated Transfer Order

User can see validated or done picking where done qty is greater than demanded qty.

Manufacturing Workflow

Disable 'Allow Exceeded Consumed Quantity' Checkbox on Bills of Materials

Goto Manufacturing -> Products -> Bills of Materials in that if user disable 'Allow Exceeded Consumed Quantity' checkbox then it will not allow to validating manufacturing order where consumed qty is greater than to consume qty.

Mark as Done Manufacturing Order

User can set to consume qty and consumed qty then hit the 'MARK AS DONE' button.

Raised Validation Error

If user enter consumed qty which is greater than to consume qty, blocked manufacturing order and raised validation error.

Vrajesh Soni June 6, 2024
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