Sale Order Weight Details

Sale Order Weight Details Odoo App helps users to set weight and volume for each product. Users can calculate the weight and volume of the product in the sale order line and display total weight and total volume of the products into sale order.


1) Set Weight Details for each Product

User can set weight and volume details for each product.

2) Calculate Weight Details of Product in Sale Order

User can calculate weight and volume of product in sale order line and display total weight and total volume of products in sale order.

Set Weight Details for each Product

Under tab of inventory you can set weight and volume for each product.

Calculate Product Weight Details into Sale Order

When select product in sale order line, Calculate total weight and volume of the product as per product quantity.

Product Total Weight and Total Volume of Sale Quotations

You can see product total weight and total volume in tree view of sale quotations.

Product Total Weight and Total Volume of Sale Orders

You can see product total weight and total volume in tree view of sale orders.

Print Sale Quotation Report

You can see sale quotation report with product weight and volume details.

Vrajesh Soni May 16, 2024
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