All in one Tags for Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory

All in one Tags Odoo App helps users to configure all multi tags options for use tags in sale order, purchase order, inventory and invoice. Users can choose color for a particular tag. Users can easily enable/disable tags in tree view and display tags in kanban view. Users can use tags as a filter and find records easily in tree view, also they can search tags from the search view.


1) Configuration for All Multi Tags

Under user configuration tick on 'Access to All Multi Tags' option for use tags in sale order, purchase order, inventory and invoice.

2) Enable/Disable Tags in Tree View

User can easily enable/disable multi tags in tree view.

3) Display Tags in Kanban View

User can see multi tags in kanban view.

4) Search Tags from the Search View

User can search multi tags from the search view.

5) Use Tags as a Filter

Under filter user can use multi tags as a filter.

6) Choose Color for Particular Tags

User can choose any of the color for particular tags.

Configuration for Access to All Multi Tags

Settings -> Users & Companies -> Users in that tick 'Access to All Multi Tags' option for use tags in sale order, purchase order, inventory and invoice.

Sale Tags Menu

Goto Sales -> Configuration -> Sale Tags menu in that user can create custom tags with selection of color index.

Select or Create Sale Order Tags

User can select or create sale order tags in form view of sale order/quotation.

Select Color in Sale Order Tags

When click on sale order tag, user can choose any of the color for particular tag.

Enable/Disable Sale Order Tags

User can easily enable/disable sale order tags field in tree view of sale order/quotation.

Filter Sale Order/Quotation with Tags

User can filter the sale order/quotation with using sale order tags.

Sale Order Tags in Kanban View

User can see sale order tags in kanban view of sale order/quotation.

Search Sale Order Tags from Search View

User can search sale order tags from the search view in the sale order/quotation.

User can see search sale order tags result in the sale order/quotation.

Select or Create Purchase Order Tags

User can select or create purchase order tags in form view of purchase order/RFQ.

Select or Create Stock Order Tags

User can select or create stock order tags in form view of transfer.

Select or Create Invoice Order Tags

User can select or create invoice order tags in form view of customer invoice.

Enable/Disable Invoice Order Tags in Credit Notes

User can easily enable/disable invoice order tags field in tree view of credit notes.

Enable/Disable Invoice Order Tags in Vendor Bills

User can easily enable/disable invoice order tags field in tree view of vendor bills.

Enable/Disable Invoice Order Tags in Refund

User can easily enable/disable invoice order tags field in tree view of refund.

Enable/Disable Invoice Order Tags in Journal Items

User can easily enable/disable invoice order tags field in tree view of journal items.

Enable/Disable Invoice Order Tags in Journal Entries

User can easily enable/disable invoice order tags field in tree view of journal entries.

Vrajesh Soni May 13, 2024
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