Customer Monthly Smart Statement Auto Send in Odoo

Auto Send Customer Monthly Smart Statements odoo app helps users to automatically send a customer's monthly statement on a selected day of month. Using this app your Customer will get automatic email for monthly statements as a PDF report attached on email. You will find a smart statement pdf report in this app so your customer will receive proper formatted smart monthly statements every month without any manual action.


1) Monthly Customer Statement.

User can configure and auto send monthly customer statement.

2) Send Customer Statement with Report.

Statement report attached with auto customer statement email.

Auto Customer Statement Configuration

Under Invoicing > Configuration >Settings menu user have to enable "Send Customer Statement" and also enter "Statement Date".

Cron Feature

User can see cron to auto send customer monthly statement mail.

Auto Sent Customer Statement E-Mail

User can see customer monthly statement auto generated email on configured number of day.

User can also see attached customer monthly statement report.

Customer Monthly Statement Report

Vrajesh Soni May 8, 2024
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