E-Commerce Product Social Network Sharing

E-Commerce product Social Network Share Odoo App is used to share eCommerce products on social networks like facebook, twitter, whatsapp, email, linkedin, pinterest, gmail, digg, tumblr, reddit and hacker news. User can enable/disable social media platform from website configuration and also use different styles for social media sharing.


1) Share Product on Different Social Media

User can share product on different social medial like facebook, twitter, whatsapp, email etc.

2) Configuration for Sharing Product On Social Networks

User can configured share eCommerce products on social networks.

3) Use Different Styles for Social Media Sharing

User can use any of the style for social media sharing on website.

4) Enable/Disable Social Media Platform

User can enable/disable social media platform from configuration.

Configuration for Sharing Product On Social Networks

Goto Website -> Configuration -> Settings -> Sharing Product On Social Networks in that you can enable/disable social media plateforms with select different style.

Select Style for Social Media Sharing

Select any of the styles for social media sharing.

Style 1 Social Media View

Style 2 Social Media View

Style 3 Social Media View

Style 4 Social Media View

Style 5 Social Media View

Vrajesh Soni May 9, 2024
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