Email Notification for Activity

Email Notification for Activity odoo app helps user to send email notification for scheduled activity. Email notification send based on edit, done or cancel scheduled activity both create user and assigned users and according to the configurations users will get email notification. All these notification is configurable you can configure notification according to actions of activity such as edit activities , cancel activities and done activities.


1) Scheduled Activity Email Notification.

Email notification for scheduled activity.

2) Notify both Create and Assigned User.

Scheduled activity create user and assigned user both will notify by mail.

3) Schedule Activity Email Configuration.

User can configure activity email notification also for create and assigned user.

4) Email Notification for Edit Scheduled Activity.

Create and assigned user will get email notification on edit scheduled activity.

5) Email Notification for Done Scheduled Activity.

Create and assigned user will get email notification on done scheduled activity.

6) Email Notification for Cancel Scheduled Activity.

Create and assigned user will get email notification on cancel scheduled activity.

Scheduled Activity Notification Configuration

Under CRM > Configuration > Settings menu user have to enable "Scheduled Activity Notification".

User have to enable "Activity Edit Notification" if user wants to notify on edit scheduled activity, Enable "Activity Done Notification" to notify on done scheduled activity, and enable "Activity Cancel Notification" for notify on cancel schedule activity. User can enable "Notify Create User" and "Notify Assignee User" for specific option and user will get email notification.

Activity Edit Notification

When user edit scheduled activity create user and assigned user will notify as configuration.

User can see create user and assigned user will get email as shown bellow images after edit scheduled activity.

Activity Done Notification

When user done scheduled activity create user and assigned user will notify as configuration.

User can see create user and assigned user will get email notification as shown bellow images after done scheduled activity.

Activity Cancel Notification

When user cancel scheduled activity create user and assigned user will notify as configuration.

User can see create user and assigned user will get email notification as shown bellow images after cancel scheduled activity.

Vrajesh Soni May 6, 2024
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