Mass Produce Manufacturing Orders

Mass Manufacturing Orders Produce odoo app helps user to produce multiple manufacturing orders at single click even if manufacturing orders in draft, state, confirmed, or partially produced, Also raise warning if any manufacturing orders in done state or if manufacturing component quantity not available.


1) Mass Manufacturing Production.

Mass manufacturing production for multiple orders.

2) Routing & Non Routing Features.

Mass manufacturing production for both routing and non routing flow.

3) One Click Production for All Stages.

User can mass produce manufacturing order with single click for draft, confirmed, planned, in progress state.

4) Warnings.

Raise warning if selected manufacturing order in done state, or component quantity not available.

Bulk MO Produce

User have to select all manufacturing order in tree view and click "Bulk MO Produce" menu under action menu.

On next wizard user have to click "PRODUCE MO" button in order to process bulk manufacturing order production.

Done Manufacturing Order

User can see all manufacturing orders are done and production are recorded for all orders.

Vrajesh Soni May 8, 2024
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