Product Weight Wise Shipping Cost

Fixed Shipping Cost Weight Range Odoo App simplifies the process of understanding and calculating shipping costs based on product weight. Users can easily configure shipping costs by specifying weight ranges and setting costs for each weight range from the starting weight to the ending weight. This Odoo app ensures accurate shipping cost calculations for product weight and quantity, visible to users on the website and within sales orders. It automates the shipping cost conclusion process, offering an easy-to-use solution for businesses managing products with varying weights.


1) Enable Use Weight Cost

User can enable 'Use Weight Cost' checkbox to configure weight shipping cost functionality.

2) Weight Shipping Cost Configuration

User can set from weight, to weight and cost as per weight range.

3) Shipping Cost as per Product Weight in Website

User can see shipping cost would be calculate based on product weight in the website.

4) Shipping Cost as per Product Weight in Sales Order

User can see shipping cost would be calculate based on product weight in the sales order.

Weight Shipping Cost Configuration

Under shipping method, User can enable 'Use Weight Cost' checkbox.

Once enabling 'Use Weight Cost' checkbox, Show 'Weight Shipping Cost Configuration' tab in that user can set from weight, to weight and cost between weight range.

Set Product Weight

Add to Cart Product with Qty

User can add product into cart with given quantity.

Shipping Cost as per Product Weight

When user select configured shipping method, Shipping cost would be calculated based on product weight and added into total amount.

Shipping Cost as per Product Weight in the Back-end

Users can see added shipping cost in the back-end.

Add Shipping in the Sales Order

Once select sale order line, User can click on 'ADD SHIPPING' button.

Add Shipping Method

When user select configured shipping method, Shipping cost would be calculated based on product weight and click on 'ADD' button to add shipping cost in that sale order line.

Added Shipping Method in the Sales Order

User can see shipping method would be added in the sale order line and added into total amount.

Vrajesh Soni June 4, 2024
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