Restrict Out of Stock Product on Sales Order

Restrict Out of Stock Products in Sales odoo app helps users to raise low stock warning on selecting product on sale order if the product is out of stock. Users also restrict out of stock products based on products on hand quantity or forecasted quantity and stock will check and raise warning with stock description on confirming sale order for out of stock product.

Users can restrict out of stock products based on on hand or foretasted quantity of product and also raise warning if product is out of stock. Users can only confirm the sale order if the product is in stock. If stock is not available then stock restriction warning will rise and users can not confirm the sale order.


1) Restrict Out of Stock Products from Sales Order

Restrict user to confirm sale order wit out of stock products.

2) Low Stock Warning on Sales Order

Raise warnings if user enter more quantity then available quantity.

3) Restrict Out of Stock Products Based on On Hand Qty

User can restrict out of stock product based on products on hand quantity.

4) Restrict Out of Stock Products Based on Forecasted Qty

User can restrict out of stock product based on products forecasted quantity.

Low Stock Warning Configuration

Under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu user need to enable "Low Stock Warning?" option.

Low Stock Warning

When user selects products on sale order and selected product is out of stock then warning will raise.

Out Of Stock Product Restriction

Out Of Stock Product Restriction Based on : On Hand Qty

Under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu user need to enable "Out Of Stock Product Restriction?" option, use also need to select "Check Stock" option as "On Basis of On Hand Quantity" option.

User can see created sales order with out of stock product, User also can see "On Hand Quantity" and "Forecasted Quantity" on order line for products.

When user tries to confirm sale order with out of stock quantity then warning will raise, user also can see quantity and warehouse description for product on warning.

Out Of Stock Product Restriction Based on : Forecasted Qty

Under Sales > Configuration > Settings menu user need to enable "Out Of Stock Product Restriction?" option, use also need to select "Check Stock" option as "On Basis of Forecasted Quantity" option.

User can see created sales order with out of stock product, User also can see "On Hand Quantity" and "Forecasted Quantity" on order line for products.

When user tries to confirm sale order with out of stock quantity then warning will raise, user also can see quantity and warehouse description for product on warning.

Vrajesh Soni May 22, 2024
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