How to import your system's data esaily into Odoo ERP system ?

All Import Data of Odoo like Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory,Bill of material, Customer/Supplier Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Pricelist(Sale, Purchase and Product), Import Chart Of Account are manage by Warehouse management using Odoo .

Importing all kind of data now easy never been before, Importing different sort of data is always been headache,Module is like VLC player of Odoo.

It can import all important data whether its Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Bill of material,Customer/Supplier Payment,Serial number with Stock, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Sale Pricelist, Purchase Pricelist and Product Pricelist, How resourceful it is ,It can reduce you work efforts and makes your life hassle free.

You can checkout Lower version for this app.
Basic Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or Excel File) App.

You can checkout Advance version for this App
Advance Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or Excel File) App.


1) Import Orde.

      Import sale order, purchase order and invoice with external sequence.

2) Import Order Lines.

      Import sale order lines, purchase order lines and invoice lines.

3) Import Product Template with Attributes.

      User are allowed to import or update product template with attributes and without attributes.

4) Import Product Variant with Attributes.

      User are allowed to import or update product variant with attributes and without attributes.

5) Import Accounting Data.

      Import bank statement lines, journal entry, customer and supplier payment and chart of account.

6) Import Bill of Material.

      Import multiple bill of material with multiple components.

7) Different Warning.

      Support different warning and validation.

8) Support Translation.

      Support translation in multiple language.

9) Import Warehouse Data.

      Import and Update products, templates, product variant, customers and vendors.

10) Import Pricelist.

      Import sale, vendor and product pricelist.

11) Import and Update Master Data.

      Import and Update products, templates, product variant, customers and vendors in Odoo.

12) Import Order with Date.

      You can Import Date which you have in your Database instead of default that Odoo provides.

13) Supported Community and Enterprise Edition.

      Works for Community and Enterprise both Edition.

14) CSV/XLS file Supported.

      You can import CSV or XLS file both as per as your convenience.

Import Customer/Supplier Invoice in Odoo

Import with Name in Odoo.

The "INVOICE ID" should be same, as you can see in the image,"INVOICE ID" is same for different product list.This defines single invoice with different product lines.

Tax column is important you have to add "Tax column" though there is no need of adding tax.

When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Invoice Wizard.

1. Sequence Option :

If you want to import details of invoice number from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import invoice wizard in Odoo.

If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence Number" option then name field will came from CSV/XLS file.

2. Invoice Stage Option :

If you select "Import Draft Invoice" option then invoice will be import in draft stage.

If you select "Validate Invoice Automatically With Import" option then invoice will be import in validate/Open stage in Odoo.

3. Account Option :

If you want to import Account from XLS/CSV so you have option for "Account Option" regarding this in import invoice wizard in Odoo.

4. Type :

You have also option for import invoice for Customer, Vendors, Customer Refund(Customers Credit Note) or Vendors Refund(Supplier Credit Note) in Odoo.

5. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing invoice order then you have to select import with "Name" in Odoo.

After importing CSV/XLS with "Import Draft Invoice" option then you can see the invoice is in draft stage and invoice number is same as we given in CSV/XLS file.


1. It will generate error if you import wrong partner.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of Currency,Pricelist,UOM,Salesperson and Tax.

Import Sales Order in Odoo

Data File Sample.

Given below is the sample of import file.

Import with Code in Odoo.

The "ORDER" should be same, as you can see in the image,"ORDER" is same for different product list.This defines single order with different product lines.

Tax column is important you have to add "Tax column" though there is no need of adding tax in odoo.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Sales Order Wizard.

1. Sequence Option :

If you want to import details of sales number from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import sales wizard in Odoo.

If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence Number" option then name field will came from CSV/XLS file.

2. Quotation Stage Option :

If you select "Import Draft Quotation" option then sale order will be import in draft stage.

If you select "Confirm Quotation Automatically With Import" option then sale order will be import in Sale Order stage in Odoo.

3. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing sale order then you have to select import with "Name" in Odoo.

After importing CSV/XLS with "Import Draft Quotation" option then you can see the sale order is in draft stage and Sequence(Sale Order number) is same as we given in CSV/XLS file.

Import Purchase Order in Odoo

Data File Sample.

Import with Barcode in Odoo.

The "PURCHASE ID" should be same, as you can see in the image, "PURCHASE ID" is same for different product list.This defines single order with different product lines.

Tax column is important you have to add "Tax column" though there is no need of adding tax.

1. When code is selected in Import option, please select file that contains code of products.

2. When barcode is selected in Import option, please select file that contains barcode of products.

3. When Name is selected in Import option, please select file that contains name of products.

Import Purchase Order Wizard.

1. Sequence Option :

If you want to import details of purchase number from CSV/XLS you can also have option regarding this in import purchase wizard in Odoo.

If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence Number" option then name field will came from CSV/XLS file.

2. Purchase Stage Option :

If you select "Import Draft Purchase" option then purchase order will be import in RFQ (Request For Quotation) stage.

If you select "Confirm Purchase Automatically With Import" option then purchase order will be import in Purchase Order stage in Odoo.

3. Import Product By :

You have also option to import products by it's Name/ Barcode or Code(Internal Reference).

If you want to create product while importing purchase order then you have to select import with "Name" in Odoo.


1. It will generate error if you import Unavailable UOM.

2. It will also generates errors when you import wrong value of Currency,Customer,Pricelist,Salesperson and Tax.

Danish Shaikh September 27, 2023
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