Day Wise Product Sales Report

Daily Product Sale Report Odoo App generates a PDF report for Sales-Product in odoo for daily product sale reports with specific periods. Users are able to print daily product or day wise product reports for particular dates with start date and end date filters and reports will be printed with daily products in PDF format.


1) Select Start and End Date for Report

User can select starting and ending date for print product sale report.

2) Print Report in PDF Format

User can easily generate PDF report for print day wise product sale report.

Day Wise Sales Report Menu

Under Sales -> Reporting -> Day Wise Sales Report menu you can see menu for print daily product sale report.

Day Wise Sales Report Wizard

With using this wizard, you can enter a start date and end date filter to get specific data in daily product sale report.

PDF Report Of Daily Product Sale

Vrajesh Soni May 8, 2024
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