POS Import Sales Order- Import Sales in Point of Sales

This odoo apps helps to import order and import product from specific sale order or import whole sales order in point of sales system using POS touch screen. After installing this odoo modules you can see all the created quotation and sales order in pos screen using import order button you can easily import specific order as point of sales order. User will have selection to choose which products and how much quantity of product they want to import on point of sale order. Users can also have a two fields in POS configuration 1) Load only Draft/Sent Sale Orders in that only draft/sent state sale Orders will be loaded in POS and 2) Cancel Sale Order after Import in that cancelled imported sale order.


1) Import Sale Order

Using this module you can import sale orders in POS.

2) List of Sale Order

You can see all orders in POS and you can also see order in detail.

3) Load only Draft/Sent Sale Orders

When user can use this field that time, Only draft/sent state sale orders will be loaded in POS.

4) Cancel Sale Order after Import

When user can use this field that time, Cancelled imported sale order.

Configuration for Import sale Order with the Duration of Sale Order Date.

"Sale Orders" Button in POS Screen

When you click on sale orders button it will redirects you to list of sale orders.

User can Refresh Sale Orders without Reloading the POS.

To view more details about orders you have to click on order so you can see particular order's details.

When you click on Import Order button, Sale order's products popup is open, In that popup you can fill products quantities which you want to import from sale order.


Vrajesh Soni June 6, 2024
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