Odoo POS All in One features that every POS machine needs

This app is used for reorder,return order,return order with barcode,reprint invoice, filter order based on customers, apply gift coupon & vouchers, apply bag charges, get invoice at a time of payment,get all the records in POS,Display on hand quantity, POS Fixed Amount Discount & Display Total Number of Purchased Items in Cart and POS Receipt. in Odoo.  you can find similar app for  E-Commerce Website All In One features too.


1) Reprint

      This module will help you to reprint POS receipt/invoice.

2) POS Orders

      You can see all pos orders in POS Screen.

3) Reorder

      Using this module you can add bag charges.

4) Gift Voucher.

      You can apply gift voucher to POS order.

5) Import Sale order.

      Using this module you can easily import any sale order in POS.

6) Create Sale order.

      Using this module you can create sale order from POS.

7) Fix Discount.

      Using this module you can apply fix discount to POS order.

8) Item Count.

      Using this module you can see number of items of POS order.

9) Product Stock Quantity.

      Using this module you can see all products stock quantity in POS.

10) Filter Orders.

      Using this module you can filter POS orders based on customer.

11) Configuration to Create Credit Note with Return Order.

      User can configure to create credit note for return order.

12) Configuration to Restrict Invoicing for Return Order.

      User can configure to restrict user to create credit note for return order.

Installation Guide

Before installing this module you have to install following packages in your system.(If you have then Ignore this)

sudo pip3 install python-barcode


sudo pip install python-barcode

POS Items Count

Item Count in order

Item Count in order

Display Total Number of Items in POS Receipt.

We can see orders by clicking "Orders" Button


We can re-order same product by clicking "Re-Order" Button

Enter quantity to re-order that product

Return Order in Odoo

Return Order button is used to return products from POS created order.

After clicking on Return Order button, Return product pop-up is open, In that pop-up you can fill products quantities which you want to return from POS order.

Orderline after return-order

Return order With Barcode From Odoo

Click "Return with barcode" button to Scan a Barcode for a particular order.

Scan the Barcode and Click Apply.

Orderline for the scanned barcode will be appear in the pop-up window

After clicking on Apply, Products will be added to POS Order with Negative Quantity and you can place the Return Order.

Re-Print Invoice

We can Re-Print invoice with "Print" button.

Create Sale Order

Created Sale Order

Import Sale Order

Click on "Sale Orders" to see list of sale orders

We can import sale order by clicking "Import Order" Button

Enter quantity to import that product

Imported order

Auto Check invoice in POS

Activate Invoice auto-check button, it automatically creates Invoice after payment is done.

POS Stock in Odoo

In POS you can display product stock as per stock locations.

Select All warehouses to display stock from all location

Display stock of product by their stock location.

Stock Quantity Validation with "Current Session Warehouse" Configuration. If You add quantity more than on hand quantity in Orderline for a particular product then Stock Qty Validation error pop-up will be appears.

POS Coupons & Gift Vouchers in Odoo

Gift Coupons Configuration

Create Gift Coupons From Back-end

Coupons in POS Screen
Create Options for Coupon/Gift Voucher

Create a Coupon/Gift voucher in POS

Print Coupon

After entering gift coupon code,System validate the coupon code and apply coupon discount in POS order.

Print Gift Coupon in Back-end

Add Bag Charges

Configuration in Odoo.

You can add bag to order by clicking on "Bag" button or you can select bag from POS bag category in Odoo.

When you click on "Bag" button,you will see this pop-up, just select bag which you want

POS Fixed Amount Discount along with Percentage

Fixed Amount Discount in POS

Discount in Percentage Configuration

Odoo POS All in One features that every POS machine needs
Rahul Pandya September 27, 2023
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