Inventory ABC and XYZ Analysis Report - Stock Demand Variantion, Cost and Risk Analysis Report

Warehouse ABC analysis report Odoo App used to know the most and least valuable products in your inventory. This report will help you decide what items to reorder, or stop buying and keep stock of demanded products. In this report, we have categorized "A" being the most valuable and "C" being the least valuable and "B" being the in between most and least valuable.

Warehouse Stock ABC Analysis Report Odoo App helps users to identify ABC products from stock that helps to make proper decisions. This report helps users to see product demand, costing and product risk analysis. Users can print stock ABC reports using different filters like, date, product and product category, ABC classification and company and view ABC analysis report, graph view and also can print report in excel format.

Inventory XYZ Demand Variation Report odoo app helps users to identify product stock in three classes X, Y and Z. Users can see XYZ analysis reports, generate excel reports and view graphs and pie charts for XYZ reports. Here are the classification details for different classes.

X Items: X items products considered in very little demand variation.

Y Items: Y items products considered in fluctuating demand.

Z Items: Z items products considered in highest demand variations.


1) ABC and XYZ Analysis Report

User can identify product stock in three class A, B, C and X, Y, Z based on analysis report.

2) ABC and XYZ Excel Report

User can print combine ABC-XYZ report in XLS format.

3) Different Filters for ABC and XYZ Report

User can use different filters like date, product and product category and company for ABC and XYZ report.

4) Reorder, To Stop Stocking and to Stock More of.

User can decide what items to reorder, to stop stocking, and to stock more of. with an ABC and XYZ combine analysis report.

Stock Analysis ABC-XYZ Report Menu

Under Inventory > Reporting menu user can see "Stock Analysis ABC-XYZ Report" menu.

Stock Analysis ABC-XYZ Report Wizard

On clicking menu new wizard will open User can apply different filters like from date, to date, product categories and products and company , Also can select different ABC and XYZ classification type.

Download Stock ABC-XYZ Report File

Stock Analysis ABC-XYZ Excel Report

On clicking the "EXCEL" button user can see generated stock analysis ABC-XYZ excel report as below image.

Stock ABC-XYZ Ratio Analysis

On clicking "DATA" button user can see stock ABC-XYZ ratio analysis report.

Group By "Classification For ABC-XYZ" Analysis Report

Stock Analysis ABC-XYZ Graph Report

On clicking "GRAPH" button user can see graph view for ABC-XYZ analysis.

Vrajesh Soni May 16, 2024
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