Timesheet Backdate Entry Restriction

Timesheet Backdate Restriction Odoo App helps to add restriction on timesheet entry for backdate. After installing this app Timesheet Users/Employee are not allow to fill up timesheet before configured days. You can have choice to configure for how long old entries you can allow for restriction i.e if you want to restrict timesheet for week then you can configure 7 days and users are not allow to fill timesheet of last week. This app also have feature that users with "Timesheet Entry Advance Access" grouop can fill up timesheet for back date too.


1) Timesheet Backdate Restriction.

Restrict users to fill up timesheet after configured days.

2) User Access Rights.

Users with timesheet advance access can fill up timesheet.

Timesheet Backdate Restriction Configuration

Under Timesheets > Configuration > Settings menu user have set the day to restrict the timesheet before configured days.

Timesheet Backdate Restriction

When users tries to fill up timesheet for day before configured days and click on save button, warning will raised.


If User tries to fill up timesheet under project task, warning will also raise.

Timesheet Entry Advance Access

Only users with "Timesheet Entry Advance Access" can fillup timesheet before configured days and warning will not raise.

Timesheet Backdate Entry with Advance Access

User can see filled up timesheet before configured days under my timesheet menu.

User can see filled up timesheet before configured days under project task.

Vrajesh Soni May 10, 2024
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