Advance Sale Order Date Filters

Sale Order Dates Filters Odoo App is used to view quotation, sale order, sales analysis and reports with filters by today, yesterday, current week, previous week, current year, previous year, create today, created yesterday, commitment today, commitment yesterday etc and group by create date, commitment date, expected date in year, month, day etc. This odoo app works for both community as well as enterprise version.


1) Use Filters in Quotation, Sale Order, Reports etc

User can use filters in quotation, sale order, sales analysis and reports.

2) Use Filters and Group By Options

User can use filters by today, yesterday, current week etc and group by create date, expected date, order date etc.

Quotation Filters

You can select any of the filter for arrange quotations like today, yesterday, create today, create yesterday etc.

Sale Order Filters

You can select any of the filter for arrange sale orders like commitment today, commitment yesterday, Expected today, Expected yesterday etc.

Quotation Group By Filters

You can select any of the group by filter for arrange quotations like create date or commitment date in year, week, day etc


Sale Order Group By Filters

You can select any of the group by filter for arrange sale orders like Expected date or order date in year, week, day etc.

Sales Analysis Filters in Graph View

You can select any of the filter for arrange sales analysis like order date or today, yesterday, current week etc.

Sales Analysis Filters in Pivot View

Vrajesh Soni May 9, 2024
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